2023 Banner Theme: “Always a Long Story in Yachats

Once again, the Yachats Banner Project is coming together, managed by Michael Guerriero with sponsorship and assistance from Polly Plumb Productions. Yachats area artists have been decorating the eighteen Highway 101 street light poles with banners annually for six consecutive years.  Due to design changes, canvas banners are now about 18 x 48” with a rounded bottom.  Designs are applied with acrylic paints by 36 volunteer artists.  The theme “Always a Long Story in Yachats”, is offered as a stimulus for design. “Yachats” will be screen-printed on the back of the banner. Volunteering artists are limited to those who live within about 15 miles of Yachats.

View banner designs from previous years.

The banners will be up for the summer, July 1 through September 5, at which time Polly Plumb Productions will hold a fundraiser and sale of the banners to support arts programming and to fund the project for next year.  With the new design, the banners will be anchored on the bottom of a bar bracket to limit wind damage.
Notecards of the banner designs, including artists’ statements, will be produced as a gift of appreciation to the artists.  Acrylic paints are available.

Volunteers are asked to consider and agree to the following:

  • You will receive a canvas that is primed on both sides with white gesso.  Plan to cover the entire front face with acrylic paint in the colors of your choosing. Do not use soluble poster paints.
  • When designing, consider the fact that the piece will be hung high above one’s head.
  •  Please refrain from using popular graphic symbols and text.
  • Plan to complete and deliver the banner by Tuesday, June 6, 2023.
  • Your opinion will have no bearing on the placement of the banner.
  • Only one banner will be painted by each volunteer.
  • The product and image that you deliver will be considered a gift to Polly Plumb Productions for use at their discretion.
  • Selected banners may be reproduced for printed note cards, apparel, and decorative banners by the Yachats Chamber of Commerce to support their visitor center.
  • Consider writing a short statement about the painting.

To sign up for a banner or for more information, reply to Michael Guerriero, mguerro@peak.org, or call 541 547-5024.